Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Obama DOJ Plotted With FBI to Arrest Conservatives

Nothing should surprise us anymore about the Obama Administration’s abuse of power. 
They are running the U.S. government like the old Soviet Union – harassing, punishing, and destroying political enemies wherever they find them.
This has especially been true of both the Eric Holder Dept. of Justice and the Lois Lerner IRS.  Law and American justice have been far down the list of their priorities compared to their radical left-wing agenda.
Now, shocking new information has come out which proves collusion between several Obama Administration departments to specifically target conservatives with criminal investigations, possible arrests, and felony convictions for simply being the political opposition to Obama’s radical agenda.
Judicial Watch reports:
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal political activity.

The newly obtained records also reveal that the Obama DOJ wanted IRS employees who were going to testify to Congress to turn over documents to the DOJ before giving them to Congress. Records also detail how the Obama IRS gave the FBI 21 computer disks, containing 1.25 million pages of confidential IRS returns from 113,000 nonprofit social 501(c)(4) welfare groups  – or nearly every 501(c)(4) in the United States – as part of its prosecution effort. According to a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, “This revelation likely means that the IRS – including possibly Lois Lerner – violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”
The documents were produced subsequent to court orders in two Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits: Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:14-cv-1956) and Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:14-cv-1239).
This is scary!  If all of these federal agencies were reduced to “Chicago-style mob enforcers” by Obama and his people, then no American is safe from this government tyranny.

Not only does this abuse of power spit directly on the Constitution, it means that those in charge of law enforcement in America are America’s biggest criminals themselves.
Judicial Watch goes on:
The new IRS documents include a October 11, 2010 “DOJ Recap” memo sent by IRS Exempt Organizations Tax Law Specialist Siri Buller to Lerner and other top IRS officials explaining an October 8 meeting with representatives from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and “one representative from the FBI” to discuss the possible criminal prosecution of nonprofit organizations for alleged political activity:

On October 8, 2010, Lois Lerner, Joe Urban [IRS Technical Advisor, TEGE], Judy Kindell [top aide to Lerner], Justin Lowe [Technical Advisor to the Commissioner of Tax-Exempt and Government Entities], and Siri Buller met with the section chief and other attorneys from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, and one representative from the FBI, to discuss recent attention to the political activity of exempt organizations.
The section’s attorneys expressed concern that certain section 501(c) organizations are actually political committees “posing” as if they are not subject to FEC law, and therefore may be subject to criminal liability. The attorneys mentioned several possible theories to bring criminal charges under FEC law.
No wonder Lois Lerner pleaded the 5th when she initially testified before Congress.  She knows “where all the bodies are buried”!  If she was compelled to tell all she knows, it would result in a scandal permeating the whole of the Obama government.

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